
Volunteering Campaign 13 April 2019

Categories: Sustainability 

04/12/2019 - 06:45 PM



Every year, thousands of tonnes of waste end up on city streets, in parks, green spaces, forests, waters and natural areas. And every year, more and more people mobilize to take part in voluntary clean-up actions.

Prysmian joins the efforts made by civil society to educate the general public on environmental protection and conservation in Romania. So, this month we started the initiative "Linking the community - Leaving a green mark" where we wanted to do something concrete for our community, to be an example to follow for the change we want to see around us, to encourage behavioral changes and to raise awareness about the magnitude of the problem that waste represents.


On Saturday 13 April 2019, Prysmian Slatina organized a green space clean-up day in the surroundings of the two factories in Slatina and Milcov. About 200 volunteers from the company's employees, equipped with garbage bags, gloves for waste collection and raincoats, showed up at the meeting point in the morning. All those present showed their commitment and dedication by participating in the event despite the bad weather conditions, setting a good example for everyone to follow. Together we collected around 500 bags of waste, which were picked up by representatives of our sanitation company, who were also present at the greening action.

The garbage bags collected are proof that we take great responsibility for the environment and the community in which we operate.

And this is just the beginning!

Community and collective are Prysmian's core values, which is why we believe it is our duty to be actively involved in social actions, whether they are developed at local, national or international level. We want this to be the starting point for the regular implementation of projects in areas as varied as environmental protection, education, health, culture or sport.


We want to leave a green footprint around us and keep it clean 365 days a year.


Thank you to everyone who braved the cold and rain for this cause!