Cristi Cârstea - Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc 2019
We are even happier when we can get involved and support them in achieving their goals.
You certainly know our colleague Cristi, Customer Care Representative Telecom. He is the one who solves problems in real time offering the best solutions to customers. But when he's not at work, Cristi is training for an upcoming cross country or marathon, or just for fun. He loves sport and practices it every day and this has brought him a lot of personal satisfaction by participating in numerous competitions.
The most recent competition he took part in was the CCC (Courmayeur-Champex-Chamonix) of the Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc.
As Cristi himself says "UTMB or Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc is every mountain runner's dream to participate at least once in the most popular trail running competition in the world, alongside the world's elite in the sport. To be selected for one of the 7 races of this competition (UTMB/CCC/TDS/OCC/MCC/PTL/YCC ), there is a lottery draw, and registration is done only after meeting a minimum number of points for each race you want to participate in."
The following conditions had to be met for his selection for the race he took part in (CCC - Courmayeur-Champex-Chamonix):
- 8 ITRA points earned in the last 18 months in 2 mountain running races, races that are ITRA (International Trail Running Association) affiliated. "The points I have accumulated in 2 ultra races in Romania, namely: Apuseni MSG 74km -4 pct and Ciucas X3 105km - 5 pct."
- drawing session
- Position 568 / / SE H 281
- Distance run 99.2 km / 99.2
- Average speed 4.8 km/h
- Last check-point Chamonix Saturday 06:09
- Time 20:52:02
We congratulate our colleague on his results and wish him every success in exceeding his personal expectations.